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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Missing U Mr Chen

Last night me and my cowoker had a dinner in cianjur for farewell party. One of my cowoker Mr Chen Phing will be back to China and no come back again to Indonesia...... hiks.. hiks…hiks
I just know this news in the next morning...hiks..hiks.... unbelieveable.

Actually mr Hu already told me about this about two months ago..... but it still MAYBE.. oh.. I dont realize it so soon.
He is very good cowoker, hard worker and funny also, language differences make no effect for our friendship, he cant speak English neither Indonesia and for me I cant speak Chinese fluently so sometime we speak with body language.. but that's a funny things.... oh.... I will be miss u. hiks..hiks.....hiks.. we already know for more than one years.

He said we will be meet again if i go to China... oh.. when???? (berharap banget sih.. hehehhe...siapa tau ada rejeki... we will be meet there).

its common things in my company if someone go back to China it will be have a farewell party, but usually they will be back in the next month.. they working in indonesia for 11 months and holiday for 1 months. I thougt Mr chen will be come back on next month also... hiks... hiks.... i miss u. this afternoon maybe i will be chauffeuring him to the airport.

Bye.. bye Mr Chen Ping

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